The Standard Package Includes:A free consultation:
Whether it's person to person or via email or phone. We will discuss and review the footage you bring in and outline a plan for a reel that best serves you. Capture, digitize and edit your footage: We will equalize and color correct the footage used if necessary and if humanly possible. Provide up to three free on-line drafts of your reel: So that you are able to review and give feedback during the process. Additional drafts after the three are $50.00 each. We give you a final digital file: The final digital file will be in a format to send to ActorsAccess, YouTube, and your website. We keep digital archive copy of your reel: For when it's time to update with new footage. |
Other ServicesA SECOND SEPARATE REEL - $250.00
Using the same footage we can create an additional reel showing you off in a completely new way. UPDATING YOUR REEL - $175.00 Includes inserting and editing up to three new pieces of footage. Each additional piece of footage ($30.00 per). EDITING RAW FOOTAGE - $250.00 We can edit raw footage from an acting class or short film for only the professional use of your reel. Up to three minutes. Each additional minute ($75.00). A TRAILER FOR YOUR STAGE PLAY OR MUSICAL - $500.00 You've got that showcase footage of your play, and you need a trailer to take it to the next level. No problem. |