Other ServicesUPDATING YOUR REEL- $75/ first scene; $50 each additional
Includes inserting and editing new footage. Rates apply to one updating cycle. A SECOND SEPARATE REEL - $250.00 Using the same footage we can create an additional reel showing you off in a completely new way. STAND ALONE SCENES - $25.00 per scene For those who just want files of the scenes to stand alone. Ideal for ActorsAccess, etc. EDITING RAW FOOTAGE - $275.00 We can edit raw footage from an acting class or short film for only the professional use of your reel. Up to three minutes. Each additional minute ($75.00). A TRAILER FOR YOUR STAGE PLAY OR MUSICAL - $800.00 You've got that showcase footage of your play, and you need a trailer to take it to the next level. No problem. |